Arthur Naiman 1941-2019

Arthur Naiman by Jessica Albert Epstein

Arthur Naiman died. A family friend since forever and one of my favorites. Accidental millionaire who wrote the Macintosh Bible, essentially the first ever “how to” computer manual. I even wrote video game reviews for a later edition.

My earliest memory of him is driving around Berkeley in his old convertible without a roof. So he grew plants in the ashtrays and let the rain water them.

Arthur used his accidental millions to publish little books you could buy at the checkout, evade taxes, and move to a stunning hilltop retreat in Tucson. We watched bats fly from his hot tub at sundown, admired his massive collection of native art, marveled at how a man could have a second fridge dedicated entirely to vitamins, hung out with his latest (younger) girlfriend, and drove to the mountains for a perfect piece of pie.

And when Stew died Judy Gumbo Albert and I sought sanity at his home. Smiling for the first time walking through the desert with the sun baking down on us.

I was a smart ass to him, he returned in kind. One my my favorites.

Enjoy your old buddies Arthur there are a lot of them with you.

May his memory be a blessing.